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Available since: v2.0.0

Defining an access method allows SurrealDB to grant access to resources using different kinds of credentials.


  • You must be authenticated as a system user at the same level or higher than the level on which access is defined.

Statement syntax

SurrealQL Syntax
DEFINE ACCESS [ OVERWRITE | IF NOT EXISTS ] @name ON [ ROOT | NAMESPACE | DATABASE ] TYPE [ JWT [ ALGORITHM @algorithm KEY @key | URL @url ] | RECORD [ SIGNUP @expression ] [ SIGNIN @expression ] [ WITH JWT [ ALGORITHM @algorithm KEY @key | URL @url ] [ WITH ISSUER KEY @key ] ] [ AUTHENTICATE @expression ] [ DURATION [ FOR TOKEN @duration ] [ FOR SESSION @duration ] ] [ COMMENT @string ]

JSON Web Token (JWT) Access

A JWT access method allows accessing SurrealDB with a token signed by a trusted issuer. The contents of the token will be trusted by SurrealDB as long as it has been signed with a trusted credential.

Learn more about JWT access method in the documentation.

Record Access

A record access method allows accessing SurrealDB as a record user. Record users allow SurrealDB to operate as a web database by offering mechanisms to define custom signin and signup logic as well as custom table and field permissions.

Learn more about record access method in the documentation.


The duration clause specifies the duration of the token returned after successful authentication with the access method as well as the duration of the session established both using the access method and the aforementioned token. The difference between these concepts is explained in the expiration documentation.

-- Create a RECORD access method for accounts -- On successful authentication, a token expiring after 15 minutes will be returned -- This token can be used to establish a session that will expire after 6 hours -- The token will be automatically used to authenticate the session DEFINE ACCESS account ON DATABASE TYPE RECORD SIGNUP ( CREATE user SET email = $email, pass = crypto::argon2::generate($pass) ) SIGNIN ( SELECT * FROM user WHERE email = $email AND crypto::argon2::compare(pass, $pass) ) DURATION FOR TOKEN 15m, FOR SESSION 12h ;


The authenticate clause can be used to change the record identifier returned by the SIGNIN and SIGNUP clauses or replace the identifier provided in the token when authenticating WITH JWT, In the context of DEFINE ACCESS ... TYPE RECORD, the AUTHENTICATE clause is always executed across signin, signup and token authentication.

When used in a DEFINE ACCESS ... TYPE JWT, the AUTHENTICATE clause is used to validate the token claims and can be used to log or stop authentication attempts.

In both cases, the clause expects nothing to be returned and will otherwise fail with a generic error. The THROW statement can be called to return a custom error to the end user.

Using IF NOT EXISTS clause

Available since: v1.3.0

The IF NOT EXISTS clause can be used to define an access method only if it does not already exist. If the access method already exists, the DEFINE ACCESS statement will return an error.

-- Create an ACCESS if it does not already exist

Using OVERWRITE clause

The OVERWRITE clause can be used to define an access method and overwrite an existing one if it already exists. You should use the OVERWRITE clause when you want to modify an existing access method definition. If the access method already exists, the DEFINE ACCESS statement will overwrite the existing access method definition with the new one.

-- Create an ACCESS and overwrite if it already exists
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