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CONTINUE statement

The CONTINUE statement can be used to skip an iteration of a loop, like within the FOR statement.

Statement syntax

SurrealQL Syntax

Example usage

The following queries shows example usage of this statement.

Skipping an iteration of a loop unless a certain condition is met:

-- Set can_vote to true for every person over 18 years old. FOR $person IN (SELECT id, age FROM person) { IF ($person.age < 18) { CONTINUE; }; UPDATE $ SET can_vote = true; };

Skipping an iteration of a loop when bad data is encountered:

-- Data retrieved from somewhere which contains many NONE values LET $weather = [ { city: 'London', temperature: 22.2, timestamp: 1722565566389 }, NONE, { city: 'London', temperature: 20.1, timestamp: 1722652002699 }, { city: 'Phoenix', temperature: 45.1, timestamp: 1722565642160 }, NONE, NONE, { city: 'Phoenix', temperature: 45.1, timestamp: 1722652070372 }, ]; FOR $data IN $weather { IF $data IS NONE { CONTINUE; }; CREATE weather CONTENT $data; };

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