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Value functions

This module contains several miscellaneous functions that can be used with values of any type.

.chain()Allows an anonymous function to be called on a value
value::diff()Returns the operation required for one value to equal another
value::patch()Applies JSON Patch operations to a value


Available since: v2.0.0

The .chain() method takes the output of an expression upon which the user can call an anonymous function (closure).

value.chain(|$val_name| @closure_body) -> value;

Any value can be followed with the .chain() syntax, after which an anonymous function (closure) can be written to perform an operation on it.

'SurrealDB'.chain(|$n| $n + ' 2.0');
-- 'SurrealDB 2.0'

The function is only called using the . operator (method syntax) and, as the name implies, works well within a chain of methods.

{ company: 'SurrealDB', latest_version: '2.0' } .chain(|$name| <string>$name) .replace('SurrealDB', 'SURREALDB!!!!!');
"{ company: 'SURREALDB!!!!!', latest_version: '2.0' }"

For a similar function that allows using a closure on each item in an array instead of a value as a whole, see array::map.


Available since: v2.0.0

The value::diff function returns an object that shows the JSON Patch operation(s) required for the first value to equal the second one.

value::diff(value, value) -> array<object>

The following is an example of the value::diff function used to display the changes required to change one string into another. Note that the JSON Patch spec requires an array of objects, and thus an array will be returned even if only one patch is needed between two values.

RETURN 'tobie'.diff('tobias');
[ { op: 'change', path: '/', value: '@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ tobi -e +as ' } ]

An example of the output when the diff output includes more than one operation:

{ company: 'SurrealDB' }.diff({ company: 'SurrealDB!!', latest_version: '2.0', location: city:london });
[ { op: 'change', path: '/company', value: '@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ urrealDB +!! ' }, { op: 'add', path: '/latest_version', value: '2.0' }, { op: 'add', path: '/location', value: city:london } ]


Available since: v2.0.0

The value::patch function applies an array of JSON Patch operations to a value.

value::patch(value, patch: array<object>) -> value
LET $company = { company: 'SurrealDB', latest_version: '1.5.4' }; $company.patch([{ 'op': 'replace', 'path': 'latest_version', 'value': '2.0' }]);
{ company: 'SurrealDB', version: '2.0' }

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