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Not function

This function can be used to reverse the truthiness of a value.

not()Reverses the truthiness of a value.


The not function reverses the truthiness of a value. It is functionally identical to !, the NOT operator.

not(any) -> bool
RETURN not("I speak the truth"); false

A value is not truthy if it is NONE, NULL, false, empty, or has a value of 0. As such, all the following return true.

RETURN [ not(""), not(false), not([]), not({}), not(0) ];

Similarly, the function can be used twice to determine whether a value is truthy or not. As each item in the example below is truthy, calling not() twice will return the value true for each.

RETURN [ not(not("I have value")), not(not(true)), not(not(["value!"])), not(not({i_have: "value"})), not(not(100)) ];

Doubling the ! operator is functionally identical to the above and is a more commonly seen pattern.

RETURN [ !!"I have value", !!true, !!["value!"], !!{i_have: "value"}, !!100 ];

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