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Database Functions

SurrealDB has many built-in functions designed to handle many common database tasks and work with SurrealDB’s various data types, grouped into modules based on their purpose and the data types they are designed to work with. The table below lists all of SurrealDB’s function modules, with descriptions and links to their own detailed documentation.

FunctionDescription and Example
ArrayThese functions can be used when working with, and manipulating arrays of data.
Example: array::len([1,2,3])
BytesThese functions can be used when working with bytes in SurrealQL.
Example: bytes::len(“SurrealDB”.to_bytes());
CountThis function can be used when counting field values and expressions.
Example: count([1,2,3])
CryptoThese functions can be used when hashing data, encrypting data, and for securely authenticating users into the database.
Example: crypto::argon2::generate(“MyPaSSw0RD”)
DurationThese functions can be used when converting between numeric and duration data.
Example: duration::days(90h30m)
EncodingThese functions can be used to encode and decode data in base64.
Example: encoding::base64::decode(“aGVsbG8”)
GeoThese functions can be used when working with and analysing geospatial data.
Example: geo::distance((-0.04, 51.55), (30.46, -17.86))
HTTPThese functions can be used when opening and submitting remote web requests, and webhooks.
Example: http::get(‘’)
MathThese functions can be used when analysing numeric data and numeric collections.
Example: math::max([ 26.164, 13.746189, 23, 16.4, 41.42 ])
MetaThese functions can be used to retrieve specific metadata from a SurrealDB Record ID. As of version 2.0, these functions are deprecated and replaced with SurrealDB’s record functions.
NotThis function reverses the truthiness of a value.
Example: not(true)
ObjectThese functions can be used when working with, and manipulating data objects.
Example: object::from_entries([[ “a”, 1 ],[ “b”, true ]])
ParseThese functions can be used when parsing email addresses and URL web addresses.
Example: parse::url::domain(“”)
RandThese functions can be used when generating random data values.
Example: rand::enum(‘one’, ‘two’, 3, 4.15385, ‘five’, true)
RecordThese functions can be used to retrieve specific metadata from a SurrealDB Record ID.
Example: record::id(person:tobie)
SearchThese functions are used in conjunction with the @@ operator (the ‘matches’ operator) to either collect the relevance score or highlight the searched keywords within the content.
Example: SELECT search::score(1) AS score FROM book WHERE title @1@ ‘rust web’
SessionThese functions return information about the current SurrealDB session.
Example: session::db()
SleepThis function can be used to introduce a delay or pause in the execution of a query or a batch of queries for a specific amount of time.
Example: sleep(900ms)
StringThese functions can be used when working with and manipulating text and string values.
Example: string::reverse(‘emosewa si 0.2 BDlaerruS’)
TimeThese functions can be used when working with and manipulating datetime values.
Example: time::timezone()
TypeThese functions can be used for generating and coercing data to specific data types.
Example: type::is::number(500)
ValueThis module contains several miscellaneous functions that can be used with values of any type.
Example: value::diff([true, false], [true, true])
VectorA collection of essential vector operations that provide foundational functionality for numerical computation, machine learning, and data analysis.
Example: vector::add([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3])

How to use database functions

Classic syntax

Functions in SurrealDB can always be called using their full path names beginning with the package names indicated above, followed by the function arguments.

string::split("SurrealDB 2.0 is on its way!", " "); array::len([1,2,3]); type::is::number(10); type::thing("cat", "mr_meow");
-------- Query -------- [ 'SurrealDB', '2.0', 'is', 'on', 'its', 'way!' ] -------- Query -------- 3 -------- Query -------- true -------- Query -------- cat:mr_meow

Method syntax

Available since: v2.0.0

Functions that are called on an existing value can be called using method syntax, using the . (dot) operator. When using method syntax, be sure to convert :: in the regular function signature to _ (an underscore).

The following functions will produce the same output as the classic syntax above. type::thing() cannot be called with method syntax because it is used to outright create a record ID from nothing, rather than being called on an existing value.

"SurrealDB 2.0 is on its way!".split(" "); [1,2,3].len(); 10.is_number();

The method syntax is particular useful when calling a number of functions inside a single query.

array::len(array::windows(array::distinct(array::flatten([[1,2,3],[1,4,6],[4,2,4]])), 2));

Readability before 2.0 could be improved to a certain extent by moving a query of this type over multiple lines.

array::len( array::clump( array::distinct( array::flatten([[1,2,3],[1,4,6],[4,2,4]]) ) , 2) );

However, method chaining syntax allows queries of this type to be read from left to right in a functional manner. This is known as method chaining. As each of the methods below except the last return an array, further array methods can thus be called by using the . operator. The final method then returns an integer.


This can be made even more readable by splitting over multiple lines.

[[1,2,3],[1,4,6],[4,2,4]] .flatten() .distinct() .windows(2) .len();

Mathematical constants

The page on mathematical functions also contains a number of mathematical constants. They are used in a similar way to functions except that their paths point to hard-coded values instead of a function pointer and thus do not need parentheses.

RETURN [math::pi, math::tau, math::e];
[ 3.141592653589793f, 6.283185307179586f, 2.718281828459045f ]

Anonymous functions

Available since: v2.0.0

SurrealDB also allows for the creation of anonymous functions (also known as closures) that do not need to be defined on the database. See the page on closures for more details.

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