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If you experience issues or unintended behaviour when using Surrealist, please open an issue on our GitHub repository. Additionally check the FAQ and known issues first as they too might solve your issue. If you are still running into issues you can attempt one of the following:

Opening the developer console

The developer console may include hints to the cause of your problem. Include any errors you find inside with reported GitHub issues as it may significantly help the maintainers understand your problem.

You can open the developer tools using the following key combination

  • Windows / Linux: Ctrl + Shift + i
  • MacOS: Command + Option + i

Backing up / resetting the configuration file

Removing your configuration file may solve issues, however you will lose configured connections and other settings. It is recommended to backup the config file before deleting it.

The config file can be found at the following location

  • Linux: $HOME/.config/SurrealDB/Surrealist/config.json
  • MacOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/SurrealDB/Surrealist/config.json
  • Windows: %AppData%\SurrealDB\Surrealist\config.json

Avoid sharing your config or uploading it to public locations as it contains the authentication details to your configured connections.

Viewing the logs

Surrealist outputs logfiles that may contain hints to the cause of the issue. You can find the logs at the following locations:

  • Linux: $HOME/.config/SurrealDB/Surrealist/logs
  • MacOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/SurrealDB/Surrealist/logs
  • Windows: %AppData%\SurrealDB\Surrealist\logs

Logfiles should not contain any sensitive information, however please review them carefully before sharing them with others.

Connection issues

Since Surrealist operates over a network connection it is possible to run into unexpected issues while attempting to connect to, or query, a database. While there are many reasons why a connection might fail, here are some common issues and their solutions:

Unsupported protocols

Some protocols might not always be supported by the network configuration. For example, some networks might block the WebSocket protocol. In this case, you can switch to the HTTP or HTTPS protocol to bypass the restriction.


You might be connecting to an endpoint using the HTTPS or WSS protocol without a valid SSL certificate present on the server. In this case, you can switch to the HTTP or WS protocol to bypass the SSL verification. It is recommended to perform HTTP or WS connections through the desktop app, as web browsers might block these connections due to security reasons.

Firewall issues

Firewalls might block Surrealist from connecting to the internet. Make sure that Surrealist is allowed to connect to the internet by checking your firewall settings.

Browser restrictions

Using the Web App you might find yourself restricted by browsers or browser extensions. Make sure to disable any browser extensions that might interfere with Surrealist, or switch to the desktop app.

Troubleshooting connection issues

Connection issues can be notirously difficult to troubleshoot. Here are some steps you can take to diagnose the issue:

  • Connect using the CLI: Since Surrealist always runs in a secure environment, localhost or LAN connections may be blocked by a viarety of reasons. Try connecting to the database using the CLI to see if the issue persists, as this is not subject to the same restrictions.
  • Check the logs: The Surrealist logfiles may contain hints to the cause of the issue. Check the logs for any errors or warnings that might help you diagnose the issue.
  • Check the developer console: You can open the developer console to reveal hidden errors or warnings that might help you diagnose the issue.
  • Check the network tab: The network tab in the developer console may contain information on the network requests that Surrealist is making. Check for any failed requests or errors that might help you diagnose the issue.

Submitting feedback

You are always welcome to share feedback and ask questions about Surrealist in the #surrealist channel in our Discord server.

If you have found a bug or would like to request a feature, please open an issue on our GitHub repository.

If you have any other questions or feedback, feel free to leave some feedback using the feedback button on the righhand side of the screen.

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