First we need to create the module if it does not exist yet:
go mod init$username/$projectname
First, install the SurrealDB SDK using go get:
go get
Create a new main.go file and add the following code to try out some basic operations using the SurrealDB SDK.
package main import ( "" ) type User struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` Surname string `json:"surname"` } func main() { db, err := surrealdb.New("ws://localhost:8000/rpc") if err != nil { panic(err) } if _, err = db.Signin(map[string]interface{}{ "user": "root", "pass": "root", }); err != nil { panic(err) } if _, err = db.Use("test", "test"); err != nil { panic(err) } // Create user user := User{ Name: "John", Surname: "Doe", } // Insert user data, err := db.Create("user", user) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Unmarshal data createdUser := make([]User, 1) err = surrealdb.Unmarshal(data, &createdUser) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Get user by ID data, err = db.Select(createdUser[0].ID) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Unmarshal data selectedUser := new(User) err = surrealdb.Unmarshal(data, &selectedUser) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Change part/parts of user changes := map[string]string{"name": "Jane"} if _, err = db.Change(selectedUser.ID, changes); err != nil { panic(err) } // Update user if _, err = db.Update(selectedUser.ID, changes); err != nil { panic(err) } if _, err = db.Query("SELECT * FROM $record", map[string]interface{}{ "record": createdUser[0].ID, }); err != nil { panic(err) } // Delete user by ID if _, err = db.Delete(selectedUser.ID); err != nil { panic(err) } }
The Golang SDK comes with a number of built-in functions.
Function | Description |
surrealdb.New(url, options…) | Connects to a remote database endpoint. |
db.Close() | Closes the persistent connection to the database. |
db.Use(namespace, database) | Switch to a specific namespace and database. |
db.Signup(vars) | Switch to a specific namespace and database |
db.Signin(vars) | Signs in to a specific authentication scope. |
db.Invalidate() | Invalidates the authentication for the current connection |
db.Authenticate(token) | Authenticates the current connection with a JWT token |
db.Let(key, val) | Assigns a value as a parameter for this connection |
db.Query(sql, vars) | Runs a set of SurrealQL statements against the database |
db.Create(thing, data) | Creates a record in the database |
db.Select(what) | Selects all records in a table, or a specific record |
db.Update(what, data) | Updates all records in a table, or a specific record |
db.Change(what, data) | Modifies all records in a table, or a specific record |
db.Modify(what, data) | Applies JSON Patch changes to all records in a table, or a specific record |
db.Delete(what) | Deletes all records, or a specific record |
surrealdb.Unmarshal(data, v) | Unmarshal loads a SurrealDB response into a struct. It is perfectly fine to use this function however it requires casting types. |
surrealdb.UnmarshalRaw(rawData, v) | UnmarshalRaw loads a raw SurrealQL response returned by Query into a struct. This is not the same as a query result. The value of this function will include additional information such as execution time and status - details that tend to be omitted from the SurrealQL query the user would be interested in. |
Connects to a remote database endpoint.
Method Syntaxsurrealdb.New(url, options...)()
Arguments | Description | ||
url required | The URL of the database endpoint to connect to. Examples may include http://hostname:8000 or ws://hostname:8000/rpc . | ||
options optional | Set SurrealDB clients options such as Timeout etc. |
// Connect to a local endpoint surrealdb.New("ws://localhost:8000/rpc"); // Connect to a remote endpoint surrealdb.New("ws://");
Closes the persistent connection to the database.
Method Syntaxdb.Close()
Switch to a specific namespace and database.
Method Syntaxdb.Use(namespace, database)
Arguments | Description | ||
ns required | Switches to a specific namespace. | ||
db required | Switches to a specific database. |
db.Use("happy-hippo-staging", "my-service")
Signs up to a specific authentication scope.
Method Syntaxdb.Signup(vars)
Arguments | Description | ||
vars required | Variables used in a signup query. |
db.Signup(map[string]string{ "NS": "clear-crocodile-production", "DB": "web-scraping-application", "SC": "user", "email": "", "pass": "123456", })
Signs in to a specific authentication scope.
Method Syntaxdb.Signin(vars)
Arguments | Description | ||
vars required | Variables used in a signin query. |
db.Signin(map[string]string{ "user": "root", "pass": "root", })
Invalidates the authentication for the current connection. Invalidates close the authenticated connection.
Method Syntaxdb.Invalidate()
Authenticates the current connection with a JWT token.
Method Syntaxdb.Authenticate(token)
Arguments | Description | ||
token required | The JWT authentication token. |
Assigns a value as a parameter for this connection.
Method Syntaxdb.Let(key, val)
Arguments | Description | ||
key required | Specifies the name of the variable. | ||
val required | Assigns the value to the variable name. |
// Assign the variable on the connection db.Let("name", map[string]string{ "first": "ElecTwix", "last": "Morgan Hitchcock", }); // Use the variable in a subsequent query db.Query("CREATE person SET name = $name", nil); // Use the variable in a subsequent query db.Query("SELECT * FROM person WHERE name.first = $name.first", nil);
Runs a set of SurrealQL statements against the database.
Method Syntaxdb.Query(sql, vars)
Arguments | Description | ||
sql required | Specifies the SurrealQL statements. | ||
vars optional | Assigns variables which can be used in the query. |
// Assign the variable on the connection result, err := db.Query("CREATE person; SELECT * FROM type::table($tb);", map[string]string{ "tb": "person" });
Creates a record in the database.
Method Syntaxdb.Create(thing, data)
Arguments | Description | ||
thing required | The table name or the specific record ID to create. | ||
data optional | The document / record data to insert. |
// Create a record with a random ID db.Create("person", map[string]interface{}{}) // Create a record with a specific ID w/ a map db.Create("person:tobie", map[string]interface{}{ "name": "Tobie", "settings": map[string]bool{ "active": true, "marketing": true, }, }) // Create a record with a specific ID w/ a struct type Person struct { Name string Surname string Settings settings } type settings struct { Active bool Marketing bool } data := Person{ Name: "Hugh", Settings: settings{ Active: true, Marketing: true, }, } db.Create("person:hugh", data)
This function will run the following query in the database:
CREATE $thing CONTENT $data;
Selects all records in a table, or a specific record, from the database.
Method Syntaxdb.Select(what)
Arguments | Description | ||
thing required | The table name or a record ID to select. |
// Select all records from a table db.Select("person"); // Select a specific record from a table db.Select("person:h5wxrf2ewk8xjxosxtyc");
This function will run the following query in the database:
SELECT * FROM $thing;
Updates all records in a table, or a specific record, in the database.
Method Syntaxdb.Update(what, data)
NoteThis function replaces the current document / record data with the specified data.
Arguments | Description | ||
thing required | The table name or the specific record ID to update. | ||
data optional | The document / record data to insert. |
// Update all records in a table db.Update("person"); // Update a record with a specific ID db.Update("person:ElecTwix", map[string]interface{}{ "name": "ElecTwix", "settings": map[string]bool{ "active": true, "marketing": true, }, });
This function will run the following query in the database:
UPDATE $thing CONTENT $data;
Modifies all records in a table, or a specific record, in the database.
Method Syntaxdb.Change(what, data)
NoteThis function merges the current document / record data with the specified data.
Arguments | Description | ||
thing required | The table name or the specific record ID to change. | ||
data optional | The document / record data to insert. |
// Update all records in a table db.Change("person", map[string]interface{}{ "updated_at": time.Now(), }); // Update a record with a specific ID db.Change("person:tobie", map[string]interface{}{ "updated_at": time.Now(), "settings": map[string]bool{ "active": true, }, });
This function will run the following query in the database:
UPDATE $thing MERGE $data;
Applies JSON Patch changes to all records, or a specific record, in the database.
Method Syntaxdb.Modify(what, data)
NoteThis function patches the current document / record data with the specified JSON Patch data.
Arguments | Description | ||
thing required | The table name or the specific record ID to modify. | ||
data optional | The JSON Patch data with which to modify the records. |
// Update all records in a table db.Modify("person", []surrealdb.Patch{op: "replace", path: "/created_at", value: time.Now()}) // Update a record with a specific ID db.Modify("person:tobie", []surrealdb.Patch{ {op: "replace", path: "/settings/active", value: false}, {op: "add", path: "/tags", value: []string{"developer", "engineer"}}, {op: "remove", path: "/temp"}, })
This function will run the following query in the database:
UPDATE $thing PATCH $data;
Deletes all records in a table, or a specific record, from the database.
Method Syntaxdb.Delete(resource)
Arguments | Description | ||
thing required | The table name or a record ID to select. |
// Delete all records from a table db.Delete("person"); // Delete a specific record from a table db.delete("person:h5wxrf2ewk8xjxosxtyc");
This function will run the following query in the database:
DELETE * FROM $thing;
Unmarshal loads a SurrealDB response into a struct. This function does not use generics.
Method Syntaxsurrealdb.Unmarshal(data, target)
Arguments | Description | ||
data required | The response from other queries. | ||
target required | The target struct to unmarshal the data into. |
// a simple user struct type testUser struct { surrealdb.Basemodel `table:"test"` Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` } // select a user userData, err := db.Select("person:electwix") var user testUser err = surrealdb.Unmarshal(userData, &user)
UnmarshalRaw loads a raw SurrealQL response returned by Query into a struct. The raw response includes metadata that was not part of the intended query, such as duration of query.
Method Syntaxsurrealdb.UnmarshalRaw(rawData, target)
Arguments | Description | ||
rawData required | Raw Query response. | ||
target required | The target struct that will be unmarshalled to. |
// a simple user struct type testUser struct { Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` } username := "johnny" password := "123" // create test user with raw SurrealQL and unmarshal userData, err := db.Query("create users:johnny set Username = $user, Password = $pass", map[string]interface{}{ "user": username, "pass": password, }) var userSlice []testUser ok, err := surrealdb.UnmarshalRaw(userData, &userSlice)