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Enter a search query



Install the SDK

  • Create a new project using your favorite IDE (Visual Studio, JetBrains Rider, etc…)
  • or use the dotnet new command.

Once ready, add the SurrealDB SDK to your dependencies:

dotnet add package SurrealDb.Net

Connect to SurrealDB

Let’s start by creating a new console app.

dotnet new console -o SurrealDbExample cd SurrealDbExample dotnet add package SurrealDb.Net

Open Program.cs and replace everything in there with the following code to try out some basic operations using the SurrealDB SDK.

using SurrealDb.Net; using SurrealDb.Net.Models; using SurrealDb.Net.Models.Auth; using System.Text.Json; const string TABLE = "person"; var db = new SurrealDbClient("ws://"); await db.SignIn(new RootAuth { Username = "root", Password = "root" }); await db.Use("test", "test"); var person = new Person { Title = "Founder & CEO", Name = new() { FirstName = "Tobie", LastName = "Morgan Hitchcock" }, Marketing = true }; var created = await db.Create(TABLE, person); Console.WriteLine(ToJsonString(created)); var updated = await db.Merge<ResponsibilityMerge, Person>( new() { Id = (TABLE, "jaime"), Marketing = true } ); Console.WriteLine(ToJsonString(updated)); var people = await db.Select<Person>(TABLE); Console.WriteLine(ToJsonString(people)); var queryResponse = await db.Query( $"SELECT Marketing, count() AS Count FROM type::table({TABLE}) GROUP BY Marketing" ); var groups = queryResponse.GetValue<List<Group>>(0); Console.WriteLine(ToJsonString(groups)); static string ToJsonString(object? o) { return JsonSerializer.Serialize(o, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true, }); } public class Person : Record { public string? Title { get; set; } public Name? Name { get; set; } public bool Marketing { get; set; } } public class Name { public string? FirstName { get; set; } public string? LastName { get; set; } } public class ResponsibilityMerge : Record { public bool Marketing { get; set; } } public class Group { public bool Marketing { get; set; } public int Count { get; set; } }

Then make sure your SurrealDB server is running on and run your app from the command line with:

dotnet run

SDK methods

The .NET SDK comes with a number of built-in functions.

new SurrealDbClient(endpoint)Creates a new client, detecting the right protocol from the endpoint
db.Configure(ns, db, credentials)Configures the client to use a specific namespace and database, with credentials
await db.Connect(url, options)Connects the client to the underlying endpoint, also improving performance to avoid cold starts
await db.Use(ns, db)Switch to a specific namespace and database
await db.Signup(credentials)Signs up a user to a specific authentication scope
await db.Signin(credentials)Signs this connection in to a specific authentication scope
await db.Authenticate(token)Authenticates the current connection with a JWT token
await db.Invalidate()Invalidates the authentication for the current connection
await db.Info<T>()Returns the record of an authenticated scope user
await db.Set(key, value)Assigns a value as a parameter for this connection
await db.Unset(key)Removes a parameter for this connection
await db.Query(sql)Runs a set of SurrealQL statements against the database
await db.RawQuery(sql, params)Runs a set of SurrealQL statements against the database, based on a raw SurrealQL query
await db.Select<T>(resource)Selects all records in a table, or a specific record
await db.Create<T>(resource, data)Creates a record in the database
await db.Upsert<T>(data)Creates or updates a specific record
await db.UpdateAll<T>(table, data)Updates all records in a table
await db.Merge<T>(resource, data)Modifies all records in a table, or a specific record
await db.MergeAll<T>(table, data)Modifies all records in a table
await db.Patch<T>(resource, data)Applies JSON Patch changes to a specific record
await db.PatchAll<T>(table, data)Applies JSON Patch changes to all records in a table
await db.Delete(resource, data)Deletes all records, or a specific record
db.ListenLive<T>(queryUuid)Listen for live query responses
await db.LiveQuery<T>(sql)Initiate a live query from a SurrealQL statement
await db.LiveRawQuery<T>(sql, params)Initiate a live query from a SurrealQL statement, based on a raw SurrealQL query
await db.LiveTable<T>(table, diff)Initiate a live query from a table
await db.Kill(queryUuid)Kill a running live query
await db.Version()Retrieves the version of the SurrealDB instance
await db.Health()Checks the status of the database server and storage engine


Creates a new client, detecting the right protocol from the endpoint.

Method Syntax
new SurrealDbClient(endpoint)


endpoint required

The database endpoint to connect to.

httpClientFactory optional

An IHttpClientFactory instance.

Example usage

// Creates a new client using a local endpoint var db = new SurrealDbClient(""); // Creates a new client using a remote endpoint var db = new SurrealDbClient("wss://");


Configures the client to use a specific namespace and database, with credentials.

Method Syntax
db.Configure(ns, db, credentials)


ns optional

The table namespace to use.

db optional

The table database to use.

username optional

The username with root access.

password optional

The password with root access.

token optional

The value of the JWT token.

Example usage

// Configure a connection to use ns/db client.Configure("ns", "db"); // Configure a connection to use ns/db, as well as root access (with username and password) client.Configure("ns", "db", "root", "root"); // Configure a connection to use ns/db, as well as user auth via JWT token string token = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1..."; client.Configure("ns", "db", token);


Connects the client to the underlying endpoint, also improving performance to avoid cold starts.

Method Syntax
await db.Connect()


cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

await db.Connect();


Switch to a specific namespace and database.

Method Syntax
await db.Use(ns, db)


ns initially required

Switches to a specific namespace.

db initially required

Switches to a specific database.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

await db.Use("test", "test");


Signs up to a specific authentication scope.

Method Syntax
await db.SignUp(credentials)


credentials required

Credentials to sign up as a scoped user.

cancellationToken required

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

var authParams = new AuthParams { Namespace = "test", Database = "test", Scope = "user", Email = "", Password = "123456" }; Jwt jwt = await db.SignUp(authParams); public class AuthParams : ScopeAuth { public string? Username { get; set; } public string? Email { get; set; } public string? Password { get; set; } }


Signs in to a specific authentication scope.

Method Syntax
await db.SignIn(credentials)


credentials required

Variables used in a signin query.

cancellationToken required

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

// Option 1: Sign in as root user await db.SignIn(new RootAuth { Username = "root", Password = "root" }); // Option 2: Sign in using namespace auth await db.SignIn( new NamespaceAuth { Namespace = "test", Username = "johndoe", Password = "password123" } ); // Option 3: Sign in using database auth await db.SignIn( new DatabaseAuth { Namespace = "test", Database = "test", Username = "johndoe", Password = "password123" } ); // Option 4: Sign in as a scoped user var authParams = new AuthParams { Namespace = "test", Database = "test", Scope = "user", Email = "", Password = "123456" }; Jwt jwt = await db.SignIn(authParams); public class AuthParams : ScopeAuth { public string? Username { get; set; } public string? Email { get; set; } public string? Password { get; set; } }


Authenticates the current connection with a JWT token.

Method Syntax
await db.Authenticate(jwt)


jwt required

The JWT object holder of the authentication token.

cancellationToken required

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

// Sign in or sign up as a scoped user Jwt jwt = await db.SignUp(authParams); await db.Authenticate(jwt);


Invalidates the authentication for the current connection.

Method Syntax
await db.Invalidate()


cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

await db.Invalidate();


This method returns the record of an authenticated scope user.

Method Syntax
await db.Info<T>()


cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

var currentUser = await db.Info<User>();


Assigns a value as a parameter for this connection.

Method Syntax
await db.Set(key, val)


key required

Specifies the name of the variable.

value required

Assigns the value to the variable name.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

// Assign the variable on the connection await db.Set("name", new Name { FirstName = "Tobie", LastName = "Morgan Hitchcock" }); // Use the variable in a subsequent query await db.Query($"CREATE person SET name = $name"); // Use the variable in a subsequent query await db.Query($"SELECT * FROM person WHERE name.first_name = $name.first_name");


Removes a parameter for this connection.

Method Syntax
await db.Unset(key)


key required

Specifies the SurrealQL statements.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

await db.Unset("name");


Runs a set of SurrealQL statements against the database.

Method Syntax
await db.Query(sql)


sql required

Specifies the SurrealQL statements.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

// Execute query with params const string table = "person"; var result = await db.Query($"CREATE person; SELECT * FROM type::table({table});"); // Get the first result from the first query var created = result.GetValue<Person>(0); // Get all of the results from the second query var people = result.GetValue<List<Person>>(1);


Runs a set of SurrealQL statements against the database, based on a raw SurrealQL query.

Method Syntax
await db.RawQuery(sql, params)


sql required

Specifies the SurrealQL statements.

params optional

Assigns variables which can be used in the query.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

// Assign the variable on the connection var @params = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "table", "person" } }; var result = await db.RawQuery("CREATE person; SELECT * FROM type::table($table);", @params); // Get the first result from the first query var created = result.GetValue<Person>(0); // Get all of the results from the second query var people = result.GetValue<List<Person>>(1);


Selects all records in a table, or a specific record, from the database.

Method Syntax
await db.Select<T>(resource)


resource required

The table name or a record ID to select.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

// Select all records from a table var people = await db.Select<Person>("person"); // Select a specific record from a table var person = await db.Select<Person>(("person", "h5wxrf2ewk8xjxosxtyc");); // Select a specific record from a table, given a non-string id var person = await db.Select<Person>(("person", new Guid("8424486b-85b3-4448-ac8d-5d51083391c7")));


Creates a record in the database.

Method Syntax
await db.Create<T>(resource, data)


resource required

The table name or the specific record ID to create.

data optional

The document / record data to insert.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

// Create a record with a random ID var person = await db.Create<Person>("person"); // Create a record with a random ID & specific fields var person = await db.Create("person", new Person { Name = "Tobie" }); // Create a record with a specific ID var personToCreate = new Person { Id = ("person", "tobie"), Name = "Tobie", Settings = new Settings { Active = true, Marketing = true, }, }; var result = await db.Create(personToCreate);


Creates or updates a specific record.

Method Syntax
await db.Upsert<T>(data)

This function creates a new document / record or replaces the current one with the specified data.


data required

The document / record data to insert.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

var person = new Person { Id = ("person", "tobie"), // Id is mandatory to apply create or update Name = "Tobie", Settings = new Settings { Active = true, Marketing = true, }, }; // Create a new record when it doesn't exist var created = await db.Upsert(person); // Update an existing record when it does exist var updated = await db.Upsert(person);


Updates all records in a table.

Method Syntax
await db.UpdateAll<T>(table, data)


table required

The table name.

data required

The document / record data to update.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

var data = new Person { Name = "Tobie", Settings = new Settings { Active = true, Marketing = true, }, }; await db.UpdateAll("person", data);


Modifies all records in a table, or a specific record.

Method Syntax
await db.Merge<T>(resource, data)


resource required

The specific record ID to modify.

data optional

The data with which to modify the records.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

// Only changes the fields specified in the merge object var merge = new PersonMerge { Id = ("person", "tobie"), Settings = new Settings { Active = true, Marketing = false, }, }; var result = await db.Merge<PersonMerge, Person>(merge); // Only changes the fields specified in the Dictionary var data = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "tags", new List<string> { "developer", "engineer" } } }; var result = await db.Merge<Person>(("person", "tobie"), data);


Modifies all records in a table.

Method Syntax
await db.MergeAll<T>(table, data)


table required

The table name.

data optional

The data with which to modify the records.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

// Only changes the fields specified in the merge object var merge = new PersonMerge { Settings = new Settings { Active = true, Marketing = false, }, }; var result = await db.MergeAll<PersonMerge, Person>("person", merge); // Only changes the fields specified in the Dictionary var data = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "tags", new List<string> { "developer", "engineer" } } }; var result = await db.MergeAll<Person>("person", data);


Applies JSON Patch changes to a specific record in the database.

Method Syntax
await db.Patch<T>(resource, data)

This function patches document / record data with the specified JSON Patch data.


resource required

The specific record ID to modify.

data optional

The JSON Patch data with which to patch the records.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

var result = await db.Patch(("person", "tobie"), patches);


Applies JSON Patch changes to all records in the database.

Method Syntax
await db.PatchAll<T>(table, data)

This function patches document / record data with the specified JSON Patch data.


table required

The table name.

data optional

The JSON Patch data with which to patch the records.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

var result = await db.PatchAll("person", patches);


Deletes all records in a table, or a specific record, from the database.

Method Syntax
await db.Delete(resource)


resource required

The table name or a record ID to select.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

// Delete all records from a table await db.Delete("person"); // Delete a specific record from a table await db.Delete(("person", "h5wxrf2ewk8xjxosxtyc"));


Listen responses from an existing live query.

Method Syntax


queryUuid required

The UUID of the live query to consume.

Example usage

await using var liveQuery = db.ListenLive<Person>(queryUuid); // Option 1 // Consume the live query via an IAsyncEnumerable, // blocking the current thread until the query is killed. await foreach (var response in liveQuery) { // Either a Create, Update, Delete or Close response... } // ------------------------------ // Option 2 // Consume the live query via an Observable. liveQuery .ToObservable() .Subscribe(() => { // Either a Create, Update, Delete or Close response... });


Initiate a live query from a SurrealQL statement.

Method Syntax
await db.LiveQuery<T>(sql)


sql required

Specifies the SurrealQL statements.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

const string table = "person"; await using var liveQuery = await db.LiveQuery<Person>($"LIVE SELECT * FROM type::table({table});"); // Consume the live query...


Initiate a live query from a SurrealQL statement, based on a raw SurrealQL query.

Method Syntax
await db.LiveRawQuery<T>(sql, params)


sql required

Specifies the SurrealQL statements.

params optional

Assigns variables which can be used in the query.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

await using var liveQuery = await db.LiveRawQuery<Person>("LIVE SELECT * FROM person;"); // Consume the live query...


Initiate a live query from a table.

Method Syntax
await db.LiveTable<T>(table, diff)


table required

The table name to listen for changes for.

diff optional

If set to true, live notifications will include an array of JSON Patch objects, rather than the entire record for each notification.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

await using var liveQuery = await db.LiveTable<Person>("person"); // Consume the live query...


Kills a running live query by it’s UUID.

Method Syntax
await db.Kill(queryUuid)


queryUuid required

The UUID of the live query you wish to kill.

cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

await db.Kill(queryUuid);


Retrieves the version of the SurrealDB instance.

Method Syntax
await db.Version()


cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

string version = await db.Version(); // Will return "surrealdb-1.1.1"


Checks the status of the database server and storage engine.

Method Syntax
await db.Health()


cancellationToken optional

The cancellationToken enables graceful cancellation of asynchronous operations.

Example usage

bool status = await db.Health();

Dependency Injection

The .NET SDK also support Dependency Injection to ease the use of the SurrealDbClient in your application.

Let’s start by creating a new ASP.NET Core web app.

dotnet new webapp -o SurrealDbWeatherApi cd SurrealDbWeatherApi dotnet add package SurrealDb.Net

Open appsettings.Development.json and replace everything in there with the following code. We have added a new Connection String called SurrealDB with the default configuration.

{ "AllowedHosts": "*", "Logging": { "LogLevel": { "Default": "Information", "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning" } }, "ConnectionStrings": { "SurrealDB": "Server=;Namespace=test;Database=test;Username=root;Password=root" } }

Open Program.cs and replace everything in there with the following code. This code is using the AddSurreal() extension method to inject services automatically. Notice that all we have to do is one line of code to configure the SurrealDB client with the previously set Connection String.


By default, this function will register both ISurrealDbClient and SurrealDbClient using the Singleton service lifetime.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); var services = builder.Services; var configuration = builder.Configuration; services.AddControllers(); services.AddEndpointsApiExplorer(); services.AddSwaggerGen(); services.AddSurreal(configuration.GetConnectionString("SurrealDB")); var app = builder.Build(); if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseSwagger(); app.UseSwaggerUI(); } app.UseHttpsRedirection(); app.UseAuthorization(); app.MapControllers(); app.Run();

Open WeatherForecastController.cs and replace everything in there with the following code. Finally, we can inject the ISurrealDbClient inside our Controller.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; namespace SurrealDbWeatherApi.Controllers; [ApiController] [Route("[controller]")] public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase { private const string Table = "weatherForecast"; private readonly ISurrealDbClient _surrealDbClient; public WeatherForecastController(ISurrealDbClient surrealDbClient) { _surrealDbClient = surrealDbClient; } [HttpGet] [Route("/")] public Task<List<WeatherForecast>> GetAll(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { return _surrealDbClient.Select<WeatherForecast>(Table, cancellationToken); } [HttpPost] [Route("/")] public Task<WeatherForecast> Create(CreateWeatherForecast data, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var weatherForecast = new WeatherForecast { Date = data.Date, Country = data.Country, TemperatureC = data.TemperatureC, Summary = data.Summary }; return _surrealDbClient.Create(Table, weatherForecast, cancellationToken); } // ... // Other methods omitted for brevity } public class CreateWeatherForecast { public DateTime Date { get; set; } public string? Country { get; set; } public int TemperatureC { get; set; } public string? Summary { get; set; } }

Then make sure your SurrealDB server is running on and run your app from the command line with:

dotnet run

Connection Strings

Connection Strings are an easy way to configure your application to connect to a SurrealDB instance. They are stored in the appsettings.json file and can be used to configure the SurrealDbClient.

In general, it is known as a best practice to:

  • set a development Connection String in appsettings.Development.json,
  • store your production Connection String in a Secret environment variable, or even better in a Vault.
Endpoint required

The database endpoint to connect to.

Namespace optional

Switches to a specific namespace.

Database optional

Switches to a specific database.

Username optional

Username used to have root access.

Password optional

Password used to have root access.

Token optional

Token (JWT) used to have user access.

NamingPolicy optional

Naming policy used to interact with the database.
Valid options are CamelCase, SnakeCaseLower, SnakeCaseUpper, KebabCaseLower and KebabCaseUpper.

Here is a couple of examples of Connection Strings:

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